Merry Christmas to Everyone.
Christmas is such a busy time of year. Take time out to enjoy Christmas with family or friends. Bring back some old fashioned fun and wonderment into Christmas.
1. Go door to door caroling
2. Go Skating
3. Have hot chocolate with a friend
4. Bake a birthday cake for Jesus
5. Share baked cookies with a neighbor
6. Play secret santa at your workplace
7. Say "Merry Christmas" to the bus driver, cab driver, store clerk etc.
8. Smile
9. Make special Christmas gifts (if you have the time)
10. Visit a seniors home
11. Volunteer for a charity
12. Just sit by a lit Christmas tree
13. Thank God for Life and all the good things in it
14. Go looking at lights displays
15. Spend time with your loved ones
16. Read the Christmas story with your family or friends
17. Invite someone to Christmas dinner
18. Stop trying to cram too many things into the holidays - quality is more important than quantity.
19. Remember this Christmas with photos
20. Don't go overboard with overspending - Visa or Mastercard may be very happy come January, and you may not be.
bake a birthday cake for Jesus? sounds a lil cheesy .... only if it was a cheesecake lol seriously though, i wonder how well that would go over with my nieghbors
i wonder if offering to do someones dishes would be a good christmas gift
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