So - this would be my first attempt at creating my own template for this blog. It took a long time, but I think I have the hang of using the template generator. If you want a great place to make your own templates for your blog, check out this awesome template generator. It's free too!! It's pretty easy to figure out, even for a beginner. I have been self learning as I go along. There are some great how-to tutorials out there on the web. Thank you, thank you to each and every one of you.
If you want some great backgrounds to upload to blogger and use with the template generator, you may want to check out Free Web Images and Clip Art That's where I got the puzzle background for the template I created.
Just an aside - I didn't misspell the title. When I was creating the template, it wouldn't allow me to put in an apostrophe. I thought that was a little strange.
That's blogging life...
Hi I am Trix, I just found a visitor from this blog through feedjit. I am so glad that you tried and used the template generator.
I came here to inform you that I have made the change to make the quotes work in title :)
Any suggestions from you is most welcome. Thanks once again.
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